Posts by adminsrini

Difference between map, select, collect, inject, detect and each in ruby

Difference between map, select, collect, inject, detect and each in ruby

Everything in ruby is a object. Ruby supports lots of methods where one task can be done using multiple methods...

8 technology trends in web development 2018!

8 technology trends in web development 2018!

Artificial Intelligence Some of the biggest tech companies, such as Google, Microsoft and Facebook, have been releasing their AI technology...

Understanding Polymorphic association in rails

Understanding Polymorphic association in rails

Polymorphic associations are little tricky to understand and many get confused on how to use them and how they are...

All Associations in rails explained in a single app

All Associations in rails explained in a single app

This article explains all types of associations rails supports, explaining it in a single real-time application, which would give more...

Why associations in rails…?

Why associations in rails…?

Why associations…? In Rails, an association is a connection between two Active Record models. Because they make common operations simpler...

how does git rebase work and how it’s different from git merge

how does git rebase work and how it’s different from git merge

git rebase is the command that beginners should stay away from!. Once you completely understand git workflow of our project,...

Difference between include, extend, require and load in ruby

Difference between include, extend, require and load in ruby

First of all, include and extend are language-level methods where as require and load are file-level methods. But all methods...

Ruby does not support Multiple Inheritance. Ruby uses Mixin instead.

Ruby does not support Multiple Inheritance. Ruby uses Mixin instead.

Ruby does not support Multiple Inheritance, but Ruby supports Multilevel inheritance. Some languages like C++, Perl and Python support Multiple...

Difference between private and protected methods in ruby

Difference between private and protected methods in ruby

Unlike java and other languages, Ruby private and protected methods work differently. It’s very important to know how it works!....

some of the common exceptions in ruby on rails and how to resolve them.

some of the common exceptions in ruby on rails and how to resolve them.

Everything is ruby is a method. Ruby methods are as of Human Language such as, merge, select, sort, map etc.,...