Bad Programming practices in rails

1. Not using associations properly

Say, we have association of College has many students, having foreign key college_id in student table and the relation as below

class College < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :students

class Student < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :college

Bad Practice:

Getting all students in a college

students = Student.where(college_id : 3)

Good Practice:

students = college.students

2. Hashes: Using fetch when key may not be present

Let's take an Hash called params below. Using dig is more efficient than fetch.

params = { "booking" => "flights", "trip_id" => "06574637", "refundable" => true }

Difference between fetch and dig

Fetch throws exception when key does not exist.

=> "flights"
KeyError: key not found: "something"
from (pry):22:in `fetch'

Dig throws nil even if key does not exist

=> "flights"
=> nil
 params.fetch("something", nil)
=> nil

So, I prefer using dig rather than fetch for avoiding exceptions in the code.

3. Using nil? always, rather than present?

nil? returns false for empty array [] and empty string "" . nil? only checks whether the variable or object is nil or not.

[21] pry(main)> nil.nil?
=> true
[22] pry(main)> "".nil?
=> false
[23] pry(main)> [].nil?
=> false
[24] pry(main)> {}.nil?
=> false
[25] pry(main)> nil.present?
=> false
[26] pry(main)> {}.present?
=> false
[27] pry(main)> [].present?
=> false
[28] pry(main)> nil.blank?
=> true
[29] pry(main)> "".blank?
=> true
[30] pry(main)> [].blank?
=> true
[31] pry(main)> {}.blank?
=> true

blank? is kinda opposite to present? and equally efficient.

4. Not using strong parameters

ActionController::Parameters inheriting from object class provides methods like params, require and permit. It's always recommended to use strong parameters.

Allows you to choose which attributes should be whitelisted for mass updating and thus prevent accidentally exposing that which shouldn't be exposed. Provides two methods for this purpose: require and permit. The former is used to mark parameters as required. The latter is used to set the parameter as permitted and limit which attributes should be allowed for mass updating.

person_params = params[:person]

Will take all attributes for mass updation. Whereas, using require and permit allows name and age attributes to be whitelisted.

def person_params
  params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age)

5. Using each when returning an array while looping

each loops into each element in an array, whereas map returns array of elements returned in each iteration.

array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10]
result = []

def select_even_nos
  array.each do |e|
    result << e if e.even?

def select_even_nos
  result = { |e| e if e.even? }

16 Responses to “Bad Programming practices in rails

  • Are you sure using “students = college.students” is better than using “students = Student.where(college_id : 3)” ?

    Because “students = Student.where(college_id : 3)” executes only one query to fetch all the students.

    Where as “students = college.students ” executes two queries to fetch the same result. One for constructing the college object and another for getting the students.

    • adminsrini
      7 years ago

      Hi Deepak,

      Thank you very much for asking this question. I appreciate it.

      The college.students is a “has_many” relation from application record. students = college.students does the same as students = Student.where(college_id : 3) from the backend.

      As asked above, in both cases, the query made is only one query. Because college object is already present as we call it from the model.

      It is always preferable using “college.students” because Ruby on Rails runs on convention over configuration. It deals with real world entities, rather than just coding.

        7 years ago

        Hmmm, if I recieve college_id as a parameter, wouldn’t it be better to use Student.where(college_id : param_college_id)? So I don’t need to query college because I don’t need to verify the existence of college, there’s a constraint in the database for that.

        But I agreed that Student.where(college_id would be really weird.

        • college.students is also better because it hides the internal implementation of the relationship. If at a future point the app is rewritten to make students a HMT or HABTM the expression “college.students” continues to work fine.

          • adminsrini
            7 years ago

            Thank you Steve for making us understand better 🙂

    • You can use @college= college.includes (:students) and in view call college.students in only one query.

      • adminsrini
        7 years ago

        Thank you Steve and LR-dev for making the post better 🙂

  • Helpful 🙂

    • adminsrini
      7 years ago

      Thank you very much Bishnu Basyal. Please do share this article to your friends and colleagues 🙂

  • do { |e| e if e.even? }
    this doesn’t work ( ‘do’ invalid, and if returns nil or even number ), so we have to rewrite it{ |e| e if e.even? }.flatten

    but shortest way to do it:

    • adminsrini
      7 years ago

      Hi Malleus,

      Yes, as you said above it doesn’t work. It was a typo. Thank you very much for rectifying it. I have edited the post.

      Thank you

    • Sabarish Kumar R
      7 years ago

      Also that the example given does not give the same result. map gives nil when if condition not satisfied. map is a transformative function so there will not be any change in the no of elements out vs in. The right Function to use is select

      2.2.5 :043 > select_even_nos array
      => [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
      2.2.5 :044 > select_even_nos_map array
      => [nil, 2, nil, 4, nil, 6, 8, nil, 10]

        7 years ago

        You would have to append a compact after the map block. You type less but I have my worries when dealing with large arrays since it’s creating an extra object for that.
        But you going to find a lot of examples of code creating an unnecessary object for the sake of looks, which isn’t in itself a bad thing, just… not optimized enough for me.

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